Any injury caused by another person’s reckless or careless actions can cause a lot of financial, physical, and personal losses that you were not prepared to deal with. However, accidents resulting in any degree of permanent paralysis are instantly life-altering in all those ways and many more—and even worse, they can make for uniquely complex civil claims because of how expensive and all-encompassing the losses resulting from that injury will likely be.
In a situation like this, it can be more important than ever to have support from an experienced catastrophic injury attorney who has handled cases like yours successfully in the past. By retaining and working closely with a compassionate Savannah paralysis injury lawyer, you will give yourself the best possible chances of obtaining comprehensive compensation for your injury without getting sidetracked by any legal or procedural obstacles along the way.
Various types of traumatic injuries can lead to the injured person experiencing a permanent loss of sensory and/or motor function, from damage to the spinal cord to severe brain injuries to localized nerve damage in places like the shoulders or hips. However, regardless of what the nature of a paralyzing injury is in medical terms, the important thing when it comes to filing suit over that injury will be whether another person is legally liable for the injury under Georgia civil law.
Most of the time, establishing liability for a paralysis injury in Savannah entails proving, ideally with a skilled attorney’s help, that the defendant(s) named in the claim directly caused the injury in question by violating a duty of care they owed to the injured plaintiff—for instance, by breaking a traffic law and causing a car crash as a result. Sometimes, though, a claim like this can be built around principles of strict liability, most notably in situations involving dangerous product defects that result in someone sustaining a paralyzing injury through normal use of that product.
Every party liable for a paralyzing injury is financially responsible for its full impact on the injured person’s life. This includes both economic damages with measurable financial values and non-economic damages assessed subjectively, such as:
A knowledgeable paralysis accident lawyer in Savannah can help identify specific damages that should be factored into your claim and establish a fair financial value for those damages based on your unique needs and experiences.
No one deserves to lose any amount of bodily function solely because of another person’s misconduct, and no amount of money can completely make up for the harm that an injury with this kind of result can cause. That said, understanding and enforcing your right to civil recovery after being paralyzed through someone else’s negligence is key to protecting your best interests both right now and well into the future.
You have support available from a seasoned and community-focused Savannah paralysis injury lawyer with any legal action you wish to pursue. Call today to discuss your options.