Auto accidents are neck-and-neck with accidental falls as the leading cause of serious and fatal injuries across the United States, as well as right here in the Peach State. As common as car crashes are, though, no two civil claims built around this type of accident are alike. This means there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for seeking fair financial recovery after being hurt in a wreck that was not your fault.
Fortunately, you have help from knowledgeable personal injury attorneys who have years of experience effectively handling similar claims and who take a community-focused approach to every new case they take on. With a dependable Savannah car accident lawyer on your side, you will have far better chances of securing a favorable case resolution than you would filing suit on your own.
Since Georgia takes a fault approach to car accident litigation—as opposed to a no-fault approach—there is nothing legally stopping a car crash victim from immediately filing suit against the person who caused their crash instead of exhausting available insurance coverage first. To make someone else pay financially for wreck-related injuries, though, the injured person must prove that the other person directly caused the wreck in question through legally actionable negligence.
This means showing through a preponderance of evidence that a specific reckless, careless, or illegal act by the defendant being sued was the main and direct cause of a crash that likely would not have happened otherwise. A Savannah car accident attorney could help take proactive legal action over all forms of negligence behind the wheel, from obviously irresponsible acts like speeding or drunk driving to more subtle forms of misconduct like distracted driving.
When someone is hurt in a car wreck, understanding the compensation they can claim for their losses is crucial for getting the reimbursement they deserve. In general, compensation – also known as damages – is split into two categories: economic and non-economic. Economic damages include financial losses such as medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and a diminished earning capacity. Non-economic damages are more subjective and include things like pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and a loss of enjoyment of life. Every case is unique, so it is essential to consult with a car crash lawyer in Savannah who could evaluate the situation and help an injured motorist understand the full range of damages they might be entitled to.
Legal counsel can likewise assist in navigating around common roadblocks to recovery that may otherwise keep a car crash victim from getting all the restitution they deserve. For example, a car accident lawyer in Savannah could help collect important evidence, construct the strongest possible claim, and formally file suit within the filing deadline set by the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is usually two years after the date on which a crash-related injury occurred. Missing this timeline typically results in being barred from recovery.
Even more importantly, a legal representative could fight back against allegations made by a defendant that the injured plaintiff suing them was partially at fault for causing their own injuries through negligent behavior. Depending on whether the percentage of fault assigned to an injured person is equal to or greater than 50 percent of the total fault for the accident, this can lead to an injured motorist’s damage award being significantly reduced or denied altogether.
Even at low speeds, car crashes can be intensely traumatic experiences with long-lasting physical and financial consequences, and higher-speed wrecks are all too often fatal. No matter what harm you have sustained from your accident, you deserve to be compensated fairly for it if you can prove you were harmed because of someone else’s misconduct.
A skilled Savannah car accident lawyer’s guidance can make a world of difference in constructing a strong civil claim and increasing your chances of a favorable outcome. Call The Law Offices of Joseph J. Steffen Jr. today to schedule your free consultation.